Release Day: The Story of Us by Teri Wilson

Today we have the release day blitz for Teri Wilson’s new contemporary romance from Hallmark, THE STORY OF US! Check it out and be sure to order your copy today!

Title: The Story of Us

Author: Teri Wilson

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publisher: Hallmark

About The Story of Us:

A box of love letters from the past may hold the key to the future… 

Jamie always adored True Love Bookstore and CafĂ©, and now she’s the owner. But businesses are struggling in her small town, and her beloved store is threatened by a new retail development scheme. Sawyer, Jamie’s former high school sweetheart, startles her when he comes to town for the first time in fifteen years. She soon learns he’s the architect of the proposed development and he’s there to sell local business owners on his plan. Sawyer had no idea that Jamie had bought the bookstore and poured everything she had into it. If he takes it over, he’ll break her heart a second time. Jamie’s discovery of a box of old love letters and valentines might hold the key to saving her shop. And after all this time, could love be in the cards for Jamie and Sawyer, too?

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Exclusive Excerpt:

Sawyer glanced at the store and back at Jamie. “Wait, bought the bookstore?” “Yeah. Oh, yeah.” Had she not made that clear already? “I bought it a few years ago, just like I always said I would.” Did he not remember, or did he simply think that everyone moved away from their hometown and never looked back? “I had no idea,” he said, blinking rapidly before letting out a strangled-sounding laugh. “Well, how would you? You’ve been gone for fifteen years.” There. She’d said it. “Unless Rick tells you everything.” “Not that thing,” he said under his breath. She was a little stumped as to why he seemed so surprised. He’d just seen her on top of a ladder shelving new books. Did he really think she was still working part-time in the afternoons for Mr. Ogilvy? “Well, enough about me.” She pasted on a smile. “How are you? What are you doing back here?” She was dying to know. Rick hadn’t breathed a word about Sawyer coming back. And Sawyer’s crisp blue dress shirt and the messenger bag that was currently slung over his shoulder kind of made it seem like this was more than simply a vacation—not that it seemed likely he’d come to visit on a whim after all this time. “” His face went blank for a second, and then the chime of a cell phone had him reaching for his pocket. “Oh, excuse me. Hold on...” Jamie nodded, wondering who would be calling him. Then she wondered why she cared as two bothersome words echoed in her consciousness: romantic hiatus. Sawyer’s brow furrowed as he glanced at the screen of his ringing iPhone. “Oh. Um, sorry. I have to...” “Oh.” Jamie nodded again while Sawyer held the phone to his ear. She couldn’t seem to stop. “Hey, Dana. Can you hold on just a second?” Sawyer glanced up from his phone with an apologetic smile. “I have to take this.” Whoever Dana might be, she was clearly important to him. And that was perfectly fine. Jamie didn’t even know Sawyer anymore. Seeing him again had been nice, though. Not quite as agonizing as she’d originally feared. “Of course,” she said, shooing him off. “Yeah, go. It was great to see you again.” “Good to see you too. Bye.” He was already walking away, practically sprinting toward the courtyard exit. “Hey, Dana. Yeah...” He waved at her one last time before he disappeared. “Bye,” she said, and her heart gave a little squeeze. Then she took a deep inhale, squared her shoulders and marched back inside her book- store. This was nothing more than history repeating itself. Jamie had grown accustomed to saying goodbye to Sawyer O’Dell a long, long time ago.

About Teri Wilson:

Teri Wilson is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of romance, women's fiction and romantic comedy. Three of Teri's books have been adapted into Hallmark Channel Original Movies by Crown Media, including UNLEASHING MR. DARCY (plus its sequel MARRYING MR. DARCY), THE ART OF US and NORTHERN LIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS, based on her book SLEIGH BELL SWEETHEARTS. She is also a recipient of the prestigious RITA Award for excellence in romantic fiction for her novel THE BACHELOR'S BABY SURPRISE. Teri has a major weakness for cute animals, pretty dresses and Audrey Hepburn films, and she loves following the British royal family. Visit her at or on Twitter @TeriWilsonauthr.

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