Blog Tour: Her Super Secret Boyfriend by Kerri Carpenter

To get over being dumped, Lola McBride crashes a high school reunion looking for a rebound fling. Instead, she finds Luke Erickson who convinces her to pretend to be his girlfriend at his family reunion. Who said reunions had to be zero fun in this sweet romantic comedy releasing June 2018 from Kerri Carpenter and Entangled Publishing!

Rafflecopter for Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend Review & Excerpt Giveaway:

Kerri is offering one lucky Grand Prize winner a Glitter Toss Prize Pack featuring a $50 Amazon Gift Card, $25 Dunkin’ Donuts Gift Card, a Glitter Toss tote bag, and more! A second lucky winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card, plus eCopies of Flirting with the Competition, Kissing Mr. Wrong, and Tempting Mr. WrongAnd a third lucky winner will receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, plus eCopies of Flirting with the Competition, Kissing Mr. Wrong, and Tempting Mr. WrongTo enter to win one of these amazing prizes, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

About Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend:

Title: Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend
Author: Kerri Carpenter
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 11, 2018
Publisher: Entangled Publishing - Lovestruck
Format: Digital eBook / Print
Digital ISBN: B07CL2K66R
Print ISBN: 9781640635593


It wasn’t shy librarian Lola McBride's idea to crash someone else’s high school reunion. Her best friend made her do it, insisting that having a little fun with a super-hot rebound would make her forget about her recent breakup. That’s when she meets the hottest guy she’s ever seen.

Architect Luke Erickson had no idea attending his ten-year reunion would turn out to be so fun. He catches the sexy brunette in a lie, and he counters with a proposal—He’ll keep her secret if she helps get his family off his back by pretending to be his girlfriend at an upcoming family reunion.

From one reunion to another, Lola and Luke are suddenly spending a lot of time together. Good thing they're only pretending or this super-secret relationship could get really complicated.

RATING/REVIEW:☕☕☕ 1/2 (3.5 cups of light and frothy goodness guaranteed to keep you smiling with its humor and sweetness!)
This is one funny and lighthearted romance that plays on the pretending to be your significant other during a family reunion trope.  Plus the meet-cute was totally unique and there are a lot of Golden Girls words of wisdom being floated around in the book.  Now, who can resist that! Luke and Lola are delightful characters and if you’re in the mood for a funny, lighthearted, sweet and sexy romance then this one will definitely fill that craving.

Add to your TBR list:  Goodreads

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes

Copyright© 2018 Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend
Kerri Carpenter

Maybe he knew her. Maybe they’d gone out in high school? Surely not. He’d remember someone who looked like this.
“Can you believe we’re already having our ten-year reunion?” he asked.
“What? Oh, right. Yeah. I mean, no.” She laughed. “I mean, no, I can’t believe it’s been ten whole years.” She quickly averted her eyes.
She was adorable.
He stuck out a hand. “I’m Luke Erickson.”
She shook his hand. “I’m Lo…” She glanced down at her nametag as if she needed a reminder. “I’m Kelli Martingale. Nice to meet you.”
Her words were cut off when she stepped forward, hit the side of the table, shaking all the contents on it. Luke jumped to save a particularly wobbly red Jell-O dessert, causing most of the Jell-O mold to mold right onto his favorite white shirt.
Kelli gasped. “Ohmigod. I’m so sorry.”
While he wanted to offer a huge fuckkkkk, he could tell that she felt horrible. So, he shrugged as she quickly tried to help him clean up. Together, they got as much of the Jell-O off his shirt as they could. Then she grabbed a mound of napkins and began running them over his chest.
He shivered. Actually fucking shivered. What the hell?This Jell-O must be extra cold. Kelli must have feel it too, because she paused, hands plastered against his chest, as she met his gaze. Her mouth fell open and formed an O.
Suddenly, it wasn’t his shirt he was worried about; his pants began to feel a tad too snug. He wrapped his hands around her wrists and tried to offer a smile. Although, with the new, um, pain he was experiencing in his lower half, it probably came out as more of a grimace.
“I think I have it from here.”
A red blush tinted her cheeks. “Of course. But I really am so sorry.” Then she dug in her purse and pulled out a pair of thick black glasses. “I’m not usually a klutzy person,” she explained as she put the glasses on. “My roommate thought I looked sexier without my glasses, so she forced me to take them off. But I’m blind as a bat without them.”
He took her in, and if he thought his pants were feeling tight before, he was pretty sure that all oxygen was leaving his body now. All he could say about the glasses was…holy fuck.
Her roommate thought she was sexier without them? Hells to the no. Definitely wrong on that one. The bombshell dress plus the thick sex kitten hair plus the gorgeous face plus the most seductive glasses in the history of eyewear equaled a speechless, hard Luke.
See, if Kennedy High taught him one thing, it was how to do math. Another equation was already becoming clear. Kelli plus Luke was going to equal one hell of a reunion.

About Kerri Carpenter:

Award-winning romance author Kerri Carpenter writes contemporary romances that are sweet, sexy, and sparkly. When she’s not writing, Kerri enjoys reading, cooking, watching movies, taking Zumba classes, rooting for Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything sparkly. Kerri lives in Northern Virginia with her adorable (and mischievous) rescued poodle mix, Harry. Visit Kerri at her website, on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or subscribe to her newsletter.

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