HARD TO LET GO by Laura Kaye: A Hard Ink Novel: Review, Excerpt and Giveaway!

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We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Review & Excerpt Tour for Laura Kaye's HARD TO LET GO! HARD TO LET GO is the 4th novel in Laura's Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Romance! It is being released on June 30, 2015!! Pre-order before or on June 29, fill out the form, and get awesome bonus content!

  Hard to Let Go - cover

Title: Hard To Let Go (Hard Ink Series)
Author: Laura Kaye
Genre: Contemporary Military Romance; Action/Adventure Suspense
Release Date: June 30, 2015
Publisher: AVON
Rating/Review: ☕☕☕☕☕ (think Mr & Mrs Smith fight scene that alone is enough to read this for the heat level alone)
In this stunning conclusion to Laura Kaye's  action thriller series, readers will be fascinated with the fast paced story line in a race against time to find the final puzzle piece in solving who is the mastermind in the death and disgrace of these five honorable men.  In the midst of all these action we find Kat Rixey and Beckett Murda navigating the almost explosive attraction they have for each other.  They both have secrets and they both know that its not the best time to pursue whatever it is between them but their combustible chemistry seems to turn sparks into an all out inferno.  These characters are both excellently written and their individual storyline doesn't interfere in the main plot at all.  We get the action and adventure in and out of the bedroom with these two.  Kat Rixey kicks ass just like her older brother and the best scene for me was when these two decided to engage in a demo fight scene with each other.  That turned quickly hot as all! Hard to Let Go is fitting conclusion to the series and as the title suggests it would really be hard to let this series go.


 Beckett Murda hates to dwell on the past. But his investigation into the ambush that killed half his Special Forces team and ended his Army career gives him little choice. Just when his team learns how powerful their enemies are, hard-ass Beckett encounters his biggest complication yet—a seductive, feisty Katherine Rixey. A tough, stubborn prosecutor, Kat visits her brothers’ Hard Ink Tattoo shop following a bad break-up—and finds herself staring down the barrel of a stranger’s gun. Beckett is hard-bodied and sexy as hell, but he’s also the most infuriating man ever. Worse, Kat’s brothers are at war with the criminals her office is investigating. When Kat joins the fight, she lands straight in Beckett’s sights . . . and in his arms. Not to mention their enemies’ crosshairs. Now Beckett and Kat must set aside their differences to work together, because the only thing sweeter than justice is finding love and never letting go.  

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Hard to Let Go on Goodreads


Angel. Beckett called her Angel.
Kat could barely breathe, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the 250-pound linebacker currently lying on top of her.
He’d called her Angel.
Why? All they did was fight and annoy the shit out of each other. Where had the term of endearment come from?
Maybe it was just the haze of lust and epically good sex talking. That could totally be it. She wondered if he even realized he’d said it.
But it was still confusing as hell. She’d been so mad at him last night that she hadn’t even wanted to be in the same room with him. And she’d promised herself that after all the bullshit he’d said, this wasn’t happening again. Not ever.
Now, here she lay. His cock still tucked inside her, his body covering her, his arms holding her. And a part of her didn’t want it to end. Because he’d also apologized. More than that, he’d made it clear that he’d flown off the handle because he was worried about her. Which was downright sweet, really. In a totally fucked-up Beckett Murda kinda way.
Honestly, he was, at once, the sexiest, most attractive man she’d ever known—and the most confusing and infuriating.
He’s rough around the edges, but he’s a good guy. Beckett just takes a while to let anybody get close …
That’s what Marz had said. Could it be that Beckett’s whole strong-silent-grouchy routine was just … some kind of defense mechanism? If so, a defense against what?
And did it really matter?
She laid there for a long moment, surrounded by Beckett’s heat, his soft breath playing over her ear.
Yeah, on some level it did matter. Because there was something between them. Clearly. Maybe it was just pure animal attraction. Except he’d given her glimpses that there was something more to him. Something deeper. Something that spoke to her heart. All of which played as much of a role in the fact that they kept ending up naked together—or partially naked, anyway—as the fact that he fucked her better than she’d ever been fucked in her life. At least, it explained why she kept giving in.
“Beckett?” she whispered, not possessing the energy to speak much louder.
No answer. 
“Beckett?” she said again.
Holy shit. The big, hard-ass jerk had fallen asleep? Holding her.
Aw, crap. That was kinda sweet, too. Proving that her heart was such a sucker. Because she didn’t want to wake him up. She didn’t want him to get off of her. All she wanted was to listen to the call of her exhaustion and close her eyes. 

Hard Ink Series Trailer: Link: https://youtu.be/qM45fjLJXXk

Praise for HARD TO LET GO: 

 “Kaye wraps up her bestselling series with this action-packed story, highlighting her talent for alpha military heroes, hot romance, and an ensemble cast of characters who are unique and engaging. A super sexy, high-octane romantic suspense novel that concludes the popular Hard Ink series in a completely satisfying way.” ~Kirkus Reviews

“TOP PICK! Kaye brings her Hard Ink series to a spectacular conclusion that successfully wraps up the overarching mystery and brings closure to her compelling characters. Kaye really nails it with this awesome book and series!” ~RT Book Reviews

HARD TO LET GO will blow you away! Anyone who has been following Laura Kaye’s fantastic Hard Ink series will expect something great for the last book in the series, and to say HARD TO LET GO does not disappoint would be the understatement of the year! Ms. Kaye writes sex scenes like it’s nobody’s business, and the blistering chemistry between Kat and Becket will leave you panting and begging for more! If you expected world-class action in HARD TO LET GO, think again and multiply that by ten! HARD TO LET GO has to be the most explosive conclusion to a series ever! Do not miss it at any cost!” ~Fresh Fiction   

  And don’t miss the other Hard Ink books, now available:

Hard as It gets


Hard as You Can


Hard To Hold On To


Hard To Come By Cover


Hard to Be Good - Cover


Author Photo

  About Laura Kaye: Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.        

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