Cover Reveal: Shattered Secrets by Krystal Wade

Popular YA author Krystal Wade has a thrilling new novel coming out on March 3rd, 2014! Meet Abigail Nichols and Derrick Crawford in SHATTERED SECRETS, a story about love and magic that will keep you on the edge of your seat. We have a fun jigsaw puzzle of the cover for you guys! Go on, give it a try! ...but if you can’t wait, just scroll down and take a peek at final cover of SHATTERED SECRETS! 


Title: Shattered Secrets Author: Krystal Wade 
Author Location: Virgina, United States 
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal 
Release Date: March 3th, 2014 
Pages: 300 pages 
Publisher: Curiosity Quills 

After being kidnapped, hogtied, and stuffed in the trunk of a car, seventeen-year-old Abigail Nichols' boy problems seem unimportant. She couldn't be more wrong. The boy who saves her holds her heart. But Derick Crawford also holds secrets. Magical beings who guide human emotions are fighting an invisible war dating back to the dawn of time, and Abigail's one of them. The more she learns of her heritage, the less she wants to know. Armed with a very old, very massive book to teach them about their history, Abigail and Derick run away to a place where they think they can be safe and happy, only to have their troubles secretly hitch a ride. Her history book is in a sharing mood, and it tells her to keep a secret of her own. But has she put her trust in the wrong place? And will the world survive if she has?  
Add SHATTERED SECRETS to your TBR pile on Goodreads !

Author Bio:
Krystal Wade can be found in the sluglines outside Washington D.C. every morning, Monday through Friday. With coffee in hand, iPod plugged in, and strangers - who sometimes snore, smell, or have incredibly bad gas - sitting next to her, she zones out and thinks of fantastical worlds for you and me to read. How else can she cope with a fifty mile commute? Good thing she has her husband and three kids to go home to. They keep her sane. 


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