The Surrender Gate by Christopher Rice
Title: The Surrender Gate (A Desire Exchange Novel) Author: Christopher Rice Genre: Contemporary Romance Erotica, Fantasy Published: February 3, 2015 Rating: ♨♨♨ (3 steaming cups) An erotic romance that digs deep into your sexual fantasies at a high price, but its the almost mystery aspect that keeps readers on edge. Review: The Surrender Gate is more a mystery suspense novel than it is erotica and romance. Emily Blaine was going to inherit Arthur Benoit's vast fortune upon his death and that would be sooner rather than later since he is apparently terminal. However, he does have one last request for Emily, that she find his long lost son and give him a letter for him. Because Emily is so very grateful for this man, who gave her dad a second chance and in turn, Emily a more stable childhood she couldn't turn him down. The inheritance was more of a burden for her and to actually be able to do something for Arthur makes it more worthwhile. She enlist the ...